Age Regression Master Carrd

Hi, Welcome to this carrd!

This carrd is intended to be part 1 of two carrds, the second carrd that talks about the 'social/cultral' side of agere will be linked at the very end.

This was made with the intention of helping people fully understand the psychological/technical side of Age Regression

If you believe I may have missed anything out then please contact me, my cc will be at the end of this carrd.

Please read all information carefully and feel free to share this carrd around.

Age Regression's many forms

Before we begin, I'd just like to point out that even if you skip the sections where i explain it, it's still very important to note that there is a clear and defenite distinction between ddlg, ageplay etc and Age Regression.

Age Regression has quite a few forms:

-Age Regression as a symptom of mental illness

-Age Regression as a form of hypnotherapy

-Age Regresson as a defense mechanism which is unhealthy and a way of avoiding issues.

and finally:
-Age Regression as a coping mechanism and form of self-therapy/inner child healing work.

This carrd only looks at the last so if you wanted information on the first three I am afraid you will have to look elsewhere.

What is Age Regression?

Age Regression (commonly shortened to agere) Is a psychological coping mechanism in which a person will mentally return to a younger state, this state is often referred to as a 'headspace'

Regression can be both involuntary and Voluntary.

Anyone who has taken a basic course in psychology would be able to tell you that regression is one of the basic human coping mechanisms, slamming the door or whining when things don't go your way are both examples of small scale regression, 'Age Regression' is simply a 'deeper/larger-scale' version of this.

There are many reasons that someone may regress, this may include:
-Mental Illness
-Reclaimation of childhood
-Healing inner child

Voluntary regression is mostly a healthy and beneficial way to cope with things and is often recommended by therapists (It's actually a branch of hypnotherapy as well as I stated earlier)

When in this 'headspace' (A word used to refer to the state when regressed ) one will act appropriately to their age range mentally, their interests will be altered e.g they would want to watch 'my little pony' instead of 'the big bang theory' their motor skills and comprehension would likely also be altered.

They may enjoy activities appropriate to their age range such as colouring, playing with toy figures, skipping etc. if they have a younger regressed age they may need to drink out of a sippy cup or milk bottle and will likely use a pacifier to sooth themselves and make themselves comfortable they could also have other comfort items such as a blanket or stuffed toys.

People will normally start to notice that they involuntarily regress or that they feel they need to regress around adolescence when they are maturing the most.

(Involuntary regression is not always healthy and if it is being a hinderance and/or you have an unhappy headspace then it is recommended you see a professional, this said, Involuntary age regression is not always unhealthy, its all about balance)

Because of the nature of Age Regression it's often confused with ageplay kinks and fetishes, In the next section I'm going to go over the differences and why they should be kept seperate.

What are Ageplay kinks? / fetishes

Ageplay kinks are kinks centered around an age gap and are a power exchange relationship, these kinks include things like cgl and Paraphilic infantilism + more

ABDL is another fetish that has a similar theme

I'll now explain what all of these are briefly

CGL - this is just the gender neutral way of referring to ddlg, mdlg etc, ddlg stands for daddy dom little girl and the other acronyms follow that pattern, like i said cgl is just the gender neutral way of referring to it, it stands for caregiver little.

It's a kink in which one person, the 'little' will act like a little child and slip into a child/sub 'headspace' (note: this is not the same or even remotely like regressing) and their dom will take care of them and often (not always) do sexual things with them.

ABDL - Stands for Adult baby diaper lover, A fetish centered around diapers and other childish objects

Ageplay: an umbrella term for these and other age related kinks

-None of these kinks include actual children.

-The CGLRE community and the CGL community are often grouped together but they different, CGLRE stands for Caregiver little regressor and is an age regression community not a kink community.

How are Ageplay kinks and Age Regression different?

Whilst it is true that Age play dynamics can be non-sexual they are always nsfw for the simple reason that they are a power exchange dynamic and a dom/sub relationship which is obviously 18+
The 'little' of the relationship gives up their power as an adult to their dom, this is always nsfw regardless of whether it is sexual or not.
Remember: Non-sexual ≠ SFW

But Age Regressors have caregivers a lot of the time, even if it can never be sexual isn't it still a power exchange relationship and therefore NSFW?

I see where you're going but no.
Let's re-cap: When someone Age Regresses they are mentally a child. Children have no power to give, therefore it is not a power exchange relationship.
Think about it, An Age regressor and their caregiver have a parent-child relationship, a parent and child is not a power exchange, it's simply an elder, more responsible person taking care of a more vulnerable person.

The Age Regression flag

Please note: This is NOT a pride flag, to claim this as a 'pride flag' would be an appropriation of the LGBTQ+ community and experience, this is simply a representative flag.

What the colours of the flag mean:

Green: Mental Heath awareness - this colour is made to represent the green mental health awareness ribbon, not all, but many people age regress to cope with mental health conditions or past trauma and this stripe is to show awareness of that.

White: Innocence - This has a double meaning firstly the innocence of childhood, and secondly to represent the purity of age regression in the sense of it being completely non-sexual and not at all related to kink.

Lilac: Diversity - Age Regression is for all ages, races, genders, sexualitys, religions, it doesnt matter if you like to where black or green or pastel pink, your safe space is whatever you make it.
Our differences should be a point of celebration not division.

Black: Impure Regression - For some people, regression is involuntary and is a place of darkness and painfull memories, e.g someone who regresses because of PTSD, it's not happy for everyone always and thats what the black represents; the bad days.

Blue: Healing and self care - Whether healing from a stressful day, emotional burnout, mental health, its great that you have a safespace you can go to heal, this blue also represent those that look after regressors and care for them when in their most vulnerable state.

Pink: Love and community -it's important that we can foster a warm, happy, friendly and welcoming community, one that is enjoyable for all and one in which we can solve problems maturely and calmly.


Isn't Age Regression just a pink pastel childish asthetic?

First of all Agere isn't an aesthetic, if you believe this then it's in your best interests to re-read this card.
Second of all, Agere doesn't have one specific look, if a regressor loves pinks and sparkles and princess outfits when they're little then that's great!! but its just as equally great and valid if a regressor like green and blues and frogs or oversized clothes and black, regression is a safe space so its all about whatever makes the regressor comfy and happy

Am I too young/old to age regress?

Nope, regressive behaviour is a natural human coping mechanism and whilst people naturally begin develop the tendancy/discover age regression around their teens when they are maturing the most, this doesnt mean anything really.
You are never to young or old to age regress so dont worry about it !!

When someone regresses is their memory altered?

When someone regresses they do not just instantly forget everything that they know, they will just struggle to comprehend it.
Similarly when someone comes out of headspace they do not just forget what happend whilst they where regressed, however if they regressed to younger years it may be a bit fuzzy.

Do age regressors have a fixed age they regress too?

Nope!! whilst some people do others often have an age range they will regress to, the age that they are feeling may change whilst they are regressed so that they age up or age down or it may stay constant.

Is it dangerous to regress?

Whilst it can be dangerous for someone who is deeply regressed to be wondering around outside with no supervision, Agere (as a coping mechanism) in itself is not dangerous and is actually healthy and healing.

What is a caregiver?

Someone who looks after a regressor!! this could be a family member, a close friend or a significant other, anyone that the regressor trusts enough.

Didn't Age Regression therapy used to be a controversial practice?

This is partially true, age regression hypnotherapy used to be a controversial practice, not age regression as a coping mechanism, this is because it held potential to create false memories, thats not really relevant to this carrd though.

Does a regressor need a Caregiver?

Nope !! Whilst some prefer to have one as it provides comfort, safety and enriches the experience, it is not necessary as long as you are safe whilst regressed.

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